By Pastor John Egbe
“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. You are the light of the world like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:13-14b NLT
Washington Carver said;
“No single individual has any right to come into the world and go out of it without leaving behind a distinct and legitimate reason for having passed through it”
Every human being created by God has the mandate to fulfill the purpose of his creation. Every part of you has an assignment to perform. The eyes have the assignment of seeing, the ears have
the assignment of hearing, the mouth speaks, the nose smells, the hands reach, and the legs walk.
All these parts function together as a system to make your purpose and destiny come to fulfilment. No one of us is permitted to live a life that is not fulfilling purpose and affecting humanity positively because your life is not a product of mistake or chance but a life designed to replicate the very nature of God on earth and to be a solution to your world.
Imagine the Israelites in Egypt without Moses! Imagine Goliath, the terrorist of the Israelites without David! What would you think of the Jews in Persia without Esther? Naomi without
Ruth! Famine would have destroyed the Egyptians but Joseph showed up with his ability to interpret the King’s dream, he became a solution both to the Egyptians and his household.
Beloveds, you are not empty, you are not ordinary, you have something to offer to your generation!
Listen to this; everyone at redemption either as a black man or white is significantly positioned
by God to be:
In Matthew 5:13. The Bible says “You are the salt of the earth:…”
Jesus Christ is using salt here figuratively to engage us in a lesson about how important we are to the world. The importance and the value of salt to human daily living cannot be overemphasized. Everyone needs a level of salt to live on earth. Primarily, salt plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance, nerve function and muscle contractions. In other words, life
on earth requires some quantity of salt for survival. Salt is most commonly known to provide flavour in foods. Not only that salt is also a preservative. Salt is a healing agent and many more.
Life on earth is practically impossible without a level of salt in it. So, when the Bible says you are the salt of the earth, it means you are all that the salt is to your own generation. You are the
solution your world is waiting for. Life on earth is not just about marking the register of existence but the quality of your life is in how many lives you affect positively.
Your generation is waiting for your manifestation. You are the flavour their lives are waiting for to have. Regret therefore comes both to God and to your generation if your salt loses its flavour
because at that point, it has become good for nothing but to be trampled under the feet of men.
Once again, you are not permitted to pass through this world without leaving a footprint behind. Your life must be a blessing to the lives around you. That is an impactful living. You must do
everything possible to identify how to make your life count.
“You are the light of the world…” Matthew 5:14
The only cure for darkness is light, once light appears darkness disappears automatically.
Darkness is a state of gloominess. It is a state where men lack the capacity to see. The world today is covered with a gross darkness than ever before and the children of men are waiting for the manifestation of your light so that they can see.
God understands the implication of darkness to creation so in the beginning after the creation of the heaven and the earth, the first physical creation on earth was light. He had to address
the issue of darkness FIRST among all other things by commanding light to be -Genesis 1:1-3 because darkness is a limitation. There is no productivity and progress where darkness exists.
Darkness covers glory, darkness covers destiny, and darkness covers beauty. Therefore, God placed you here on earth as a light bearer to shine and liberate your generation from the darkness in the world.
Jesus used these two important things; ‘the salt’ and ‘the light’ to give us an insight of our value and worth here on earth. Life on earth is not possible without salt and light. In other
words, your world cannot do without you! Your inability or refusal to shine as the light leaves your world in perpetual darkness, your inability to be salted, leaves your generation tasteless.
Becoming the salt of the earth and the light of the world is a divine mandate given to every believer. The question then is, how do you become salted as the salt of the earth and shine as the light of the world?
1. Genuine Repentance
Before the Lord can work with and through any life, that life must
first be completely surrendered to Him.
2. Discover Yourself and Your Calling
Self-discovery is the beginning of destiny
illumination. God has endowed us with distinctive uniqueness, giftings and callings.
These are the vehicles through which He wants us to reach our world.
3. Invest in Your Discovered Self
You have a personal responsibility upon self-discovery to develop yourself and to sharpen your skills to become a person your generation cannot do without.
Today, wake up, accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and saviour, discover yourself, find your calling, invest in yourself and shine!
God bless you.
Pastor John Egbe is a dynamic young man endowed with teaching and apostolic grace. A purpose and destiny coach. He is the president of The Reformed Vessels International. He is also an author. He authors the book; MY GLORY MY STRENGTH (Basic Guidelines to Exploiting Youthful Potentials).
This has blessed many young people across the country.
He is currently working on a book titled; OVERCOMING YOUTHFUL SNARES…
Tel: 08142414112, 08111243264
(Centre for Exploits)
Welcome to the world of Reformed Vessels International, a centre for exploits where the word of God comes alive with a mandate to RECOVERING LIVES, CHANGING DESTINIES. Led by the visionary, Pastor John Egbe alongside his great team. The Ministry is committed to raising purposeful and dynamic young people to discover their purpose and exploit their various youthful potentials and abilities in expanding the kingdom of God.
The Lord opened his eyes to see a multitude of people, mostly young men under the control of the devil and they were living without purpose and direction. His heart bled to see such vibrant young people live without Christ and without purpose.
Reformed Vessels International was birthed out of this heart cry to recover these lives from the hand of the devil and transform them to glorious destinies in Christ Jesus. To the glory of God, through our engaging teachings, mentorship programs, outreaches and crusades, several testimonies abound of lives transformed since we began.
One of the remarkable aspects of Reformed Vessels International is her unwavering commitment to nurturing a deep and meaningful connection with God.
Under the leadership of Pastor John Egbe, Reformed Vessels International has become a vibrant and transformative community. His passion for youths and the fulfilment of
their destinies are evident in his engaging teachings and his genuine care for each individual.
If you are seeking a place where you can grow spiritually, discover your purpose, fulfil destiny and connect with like-minded individuals, Reformed Vessels International is the place for you.
We hold our monthly fellowship; M-MYS SUMMIT quarterly.
Join us for The New Year Prevailing Prayers Conference (PPC) tagged; ‘AND GOD BLESSED THEM.’ SUN. 28 TH JANUARY, 2024. 3:00PM RCCG, VICTORY CHAPEL ZONAL
HEADQUARTERS. 3, Community lane, Off Aladelola, Ikosi-Ketu, Lagos. Our annual M-MYS (MAXIMISING MY YOUTHFUL SEASON) CONFERENCE comes up every October.
You can also connect with our online meetings every Thursday: HOUR OF EXPLOITS and Friday: RELATIONSHIP HANGOUT. 8:00pm, click on the link:
God bless you!
Tel: 08142414112, 08111243264
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glory to Jesus